dramaturgy & outreach
Public seminars
Dramaturgical thinking on "cities and bodies"
The aim of this public sharing is to imagine dramaturgical practices in HK through theory and practice from Europe to Southeast Asia. The sharing connects the diverse experience of 3 speakers, and invites the audience to brainstorm together the future of creative practice.
潘詩韻 Janice Poon香港演藝學院 高級講師(編劇及劇場構作)及學術項目主任
梁曉端 Melissa Leung城市當代舞蹈團 劇場構作
尹珮彥 博士 Dr. Evelyn Wan荷蘭烏特勒支大學 表演藝術及媒體研究助理教授
主持:梁海頤 Alysa Leung
2023年7月2日 下午2時至4時 艺鵠書店
Past workshops

"A body in a city"- Creative Workshop
This workshop design is based on my residency experience in Belgium. Instead of sharing my own journey, I unveiled my creative practice and invited the participants to follow this structure to create their own work. I call my research journey as “site-inspired” . Different from site-specific work, I emphasis on the transformation from the site-specific idea, to the other presentation space. Since the presentation space is happening in the studio, the context and form have to be adapted into the space of happening.
2023年7月 4, 6, 13日 下午7時半至10時
2023年7月16 日 (課室展演)上午11時至下午6時

"In-between" Dance Dramaturgy Workshop
有見「戲劇/舞蹈構作」在香港是一個比較新的範疇,我邀請了Utrecht University的教授,和大家思考如何「構作」。
兩天工作坊將由認識「劇場構作思維」(Dramaturgical Thinking) 開始,透過一些練習來作實踐研究,配以個人/小組創作時間,最後分享研習進度(work-in-progress presentation),和同伴討論交流。
17-18/9/2022 (Sat- Sun) 13:45- 21:00
嘉賓 : Dr. Evelyn Wan (Utrecht University)
17/9: 嘉賓分享 (網上)— 創作工具練習— 個人/ 小組創作時間 (Guest Talk - Dramaturgical tools Exercises - Creative Research)
18/9: 個人/ 小組創作時間—創作分享— 意見回饋 (Creative Research - Presentation- Peer Evaluation)
Artistic Research and Dramaturgical Framework: on Oceans, Islands, and Pirates
Text by: Evelyn Wan