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Beyond The Shore 3.0-
The Future Of Memories

Supported by HKADC Young arts tech talents residency scheme

Between History and Myth: Sea Legends in Hong Kong's waters from mermaids to pirates​

If the great sea had memories, what would it record about us? In this dialogue session, come share with us your stories with the sea.


From ancient wars to sea goddesses, from fish-human hybrid legends to legendary female pirates, the continuous waves of historical stories have nurtured maritime civilizations generation after generation. Inspired by the ancestral legends of the human-fish hybrid ‘Lo Ting’ and the pirate queen ‘Zheng Yi Sao’, “Beyond the Shore" (Peng Chau version) connects mythology, history, and gender through an interactive dance performance, and invites the audience to embark on a journey of self-reflection.

Concept/ text/ performance:

Evelyn Wan

Concept/ choreography/ performance: Alysa Leung

Video direction/ Visual and sound design: Anson Sham

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In the end times, a great flood sweeps away all traces of life. Across the ages, human civilisation has sought to preserve itself in myriad forms—through knotting, writing, drawing, moving image, AI, and the body itself... Each of these acts represents a quest for the ideal medium for memory-keeping. On this 60-minute journey, you are invited to enter a floating "memory archive," accompanied by live music, multimedia, and movement. Discover the forgotten voices of female oceanic legends and reconnect with their potential histories through this multi-sensorial immersive experience.


Once upon a time...

— she had a human torso with a fish's head;

— she was a queen, who ruled through a single messenger;

— she calmed the storms but vanished silently atop a mountain;

— they dived for dignity and independence, in still and rumbling waters;

— she sold her body at sea, and yet she became a pirate queen...


If memories were to fade, the ocean would carry our traces long after we have vanished.

Concept/ Choreography/ Performance : Alysa Leung 
Text/Dramaturg/ Voice-over: Evelyn Wan ( HK / NL )
Installation/ Costume/ Sound Artist: Ayami Charlie Oki-Siekierczak ( JP )
Video Artist: Anson Sham 
Live/ Sound Artist: Senju Hitachi ( SekikomiGohan ) ( JP )
Lighting Design:  Lai Tsz Yu 
Handpan Artist: Ting Ho Fung

Production Manager: KC Chan
Deputy/ Stage Manager: Wong Ka Tsun
Assistant Stage Manager: Jade Chiang


Special thanks: Yachiyo Oki, Orlean Lai

This project is supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Hong Kong Arts Development Council supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.

Who Are They?

Image hallucinated by midjourney 

Add- On Activities

Further Reading...


As one of the invited artists by Let’s Be Together Arts Festival (Taiwan) and Itoshima International Art Festival, we performed four site-specific performances in front of the Shrine about the sea legends of our coastal city, Hong Kong. The audience is also part of the ritual.

Image by Jeffery Erhunse

Media Coverage

  • RTHK4│藝壇快訊




    11/02/2025 - 足本 Full (HKT 18:05 - 18:23)

  • 「今次演出是香港藝術發展局「藝術科技人才駐場計劃」資助的項目,接下來會有Art tech的元素,也邀請了聲音藝術家和影像藝術家一同演出。這是首次回到劇場演出,劇場作為經驗空間的想法再放大,引領大家尋找一些被埋沒的記憶。當歷史和神話的邊界越來越模糊時,我們如何透過科技重新書寫這些零碎的記憶和想像?我想繼續探討這種說故事的方式。這次也新增了幾個承接過往演出的角色,背後都是關於我們如何看待女性身份的概念。」(全文)




在今次的工作坊,我們將以《彼岸:未來憶記》為引子,透過理論介紹、案例分享與創作實驗,探索後戲劇劇場(Postdramatic Theatre) 與 新媒體構作(New Media Dramaturgy, NMD) 的創作方法——從劇場、媒體與記憶開始,重塑敍事。




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梁寶山博士  島嶼研究網絡(香港)創會成員及主研究員
尹珮彥博士 《彼岸》劇場構作
梁海頤         《彼岸》創作人

Mar 2, 2025 8:30


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